Amy Martin-Friedman, professional artist of 28 years, philanthropist of 10, and film-maker of almost 5 years (a very large work in progress)
A self taught photographer at the age of 8, carried a passion that was instilled at a very young age by the beauty of all the angles that surrounded her.
Having lived all over the world, using cities as the backdrop of what would now be a portfolio of her life’s work... she presents her work to you beautifully framed; matted prints; metal imagery; acrylic finishes; thin canvas; large thick canvas or as a triptych thick canvas.
Please email for options.
After the unfortunate timing of the recession of 2009, Ms. Martin-Friedman knew she needed to do something to be present in the world of her community, her art, and her biggest job challenge being a mother to two young boys.
A Day In My Shoes (ADIMS) born in 2009,
a project to give back to help victims of domestic violence.
A series of photos of women in their favorite shoes
with the city as the backdrop is the premise of ADIMS.
The gallery exhibit of the imagery and the culminating
of strong stories from each participant make
up the incredible coffee table book
released each night of the exhibit opening.
A book full of love, strength, sadness, triumph, loss, adversity
and the overcoming of domestic violence is A Day In My Shoes.
The project through Amy's work and passion has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars.
EDGY, inspirational, unusual, the unexpected.
Whatever it is you may want from me, it will be not ordinary.
From high fashion, seniors, engagement or small family sessions…the city, the desert, the sea is my playground.
I want to create art with you.
That’s it. ART
Ms Martin-Friedman, a city kid at heart (with Midwest roots) resides in the pacific northwest with her two sons. Her love of the sea will never tire, nor her love of her heart felt obsession... New York City. Along with her philanthropy, Ms. Martin-Friedman teaches dance to at risk children in NE Oregon every summer.
"The greatest gift we can give children is sharing the talents we do have. Kids will fall in love with the arts and feel connected to something when they thought it wasn’t possible for them, when given an opportunity.” She also is currently working on a documentary 80s new wave music film and hopes to have it out in 2024.
Her love of dance, music, the sea, the city, and her family are what continue to inspire her daily.

I’m very lucky.
I have an incredible tribe of women who have helped me create this awesome project about women and their shoes. Stories of strength, courage, and optimism on the future.
Women Helping Women.
The honesty and struggle allows all involved to move forward in life and leave the past that is so haunting at times… truly in the past.
That is A Day In My Shoes.
I was honored by Neiman Marcus for making noise in 2016 with a faces of beauty campaign.
Los Angeles Letter of Accommodation from Mayor Villargaiosa
Los Angeles Certificate of Recognition Council Member Zine.
I have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars through this work over the last 16 years. I plan on making a lot of noise in 2025 with a project…
A Day In My Shoes San Diego

A very cool video that Sara from Stanford did for her post graduate project. This was an incredible honor and really captures my work and mission so beautifully.
I have worked very hard with my fine art craft, my A Day in My Shoes works, and becoming a better night time rock n roll photographer.
Along the way, I have had some incredible moments in my life… cool friends who… like me… share an interest in either helping others or want to give a girl from the Midwest incredible opportunities with my work via showcasing it; selling my art at different locations around the US; having openings of my work in places from a very cool swanky hallway in Pittsburgh to a gorgeous gallery in West Hollywood or a Stuart Weitzman in SOHO; and ultimately a little silly indeed… but people who have actually said yes to me photographing (the artists of my high school 80’s decade) my favorite bands that now all these years later, have become my friends has been a dream come true and I will never take for granted those moments.
It is an honor to be able to sell my art… truly my art/heart and my soul.
Below are just a few of the rock n roll legends and some very dear friends who are legends to me as our friendship is nothing short of an incredible journey.
thank you from the bottom of my heart, if you meet me you will understand my gratitude for your purchase, and if not in person- I am thrilled to be hanging on your walls at home… it is a honor.